How Can We Help You?

Dr. William (Bill) Scarbrough


Dr. William (Bill) Scarbrough has 38 years of experience in health and human services, education, and juvenile justice as a clinician, researcher, program evaluator, and manager. He has led or contributed to winning more than $125 million in research and evaluation grants and contracts, and he has designed, managed, and/or advised more than 100 research and program evaluation studies and program implementation engagements at the national, state, and local levels, including cross-site evaluations, multi-site and cluster evaluations, campaign and communications programs evaluations, mixed methods evaluations, and case studies. Dr. Scarbrough’s background experience includes early childhood care and education, child and family development, behavioral health, international health and development, child and family poverty, and substance abuse prevention and treatment. He has worked with community-based organizations, state and local government agencies, federal government agencies, nonprofit organizations, health provider and payer organizations, and national, state, and local health, education, and welfare associations.

Dr. Scarbrough has provided program evaluation technical assistance and training to hundreds of programs throughout the country, completed numerous site visits to federally sponsored grantees, and conducted research with service providers, clients, and consumers.